What we do

Concrete solutions, best practices, and main standards of the civic tech sector


The Conference on the Future of Europe was announced in 2019 by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to consult European citizens and shape future European policies widely. ACTE has warmly welcomed this “major pan-European democratic exercise” and believes that the necessity to reach out to citizens in between elections is crucial.

 ​The members of the association decided to take a stance on this upcoming major European consultation and wrote a position paper to explore the concrete solutions, main standards, and best practices put in place by the European civic tech organizations.

 ​Within the scope of the Conference on the Future of Europe, European authorities will have the opportunity to understand the high potential of civic tech organizations to foster citizen’s engagement in European democracies. The added value of these technological innovations will be particularly clear at the EU level. Civic tech solutions could ​become a new standard ​in participatory democracy after the Conference, and inspire as many public authorities as possible to use these solutions to involve their constituents. The use of these innovative tools will reciprocally contribute to the emergence of an organized European civic tech sector competing on a global scale. ​

 ACTE believes that European civic tech actors can solve many of the challenges that European Institutions are facing. This position paper will first dive into the rich and diverse solutions offered by its members. ACTE will then explore the main standards and best practices put in place by European civic tech organizations which demonstrate the robustness of these solutions.

 ​ACTE hopes to contribute to the European Union’s efforts to get closer to the citizens, to include them in the Conference on the Future of Europe, and, ultimately, the European project. Read our position entire position here:

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