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Future of Europe : Set of actionable recommendations

Within the scope of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), the Association Civic Tech Europe (ACTE) wishes to support the European institutions to engage all citizens around the European Union (EU). 

The civic tech sector, thanks to its experience and expertise in participation, is ready to share the benefit of its digital innovative tools to make sure the CoFoE is a success and the beginning of a renewed permanent dialogue between the institutions and citizens

The members of the association wrote a set of actionable recommendations to highlight some of the main objectives of the Conference on the Future of Europe, how they could be reached thanks to civic tech tools, and how the EU institutions and ACTE could collaborate.

  • Recommendation n°1 - Ensure diversity in participation and inclusivity in the process
  • Recommendation n°2 - Mobilize ACTE’s local ecosystem to promote the CoFoE and launch debates with partners
  • Recommendation n°3 - Analyse data and give feedback to the European citizens

ACTE's members call for building an ambitious partnership with the EU institutions

Read our set of actionable recommendations here :

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Designed for civil society organisations as well as political parties, ACTE is launching an advanced training offer to mobilise Europeans before the next EU Elections.